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parol contract

См. также в других словарях:

  • Parol contract — Parol Pa*rol , a. Given or done by word of mouth; oral; also, given by a writing not under seal; as, parol evidence. [1913 Webster] {Parol arrest} (Law), an arrest in pursuance of a verbal order from a magistrate. {Parol contract} (Law), any… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • parol contract — An oral contract as distinguished from a written or formal contract. See also oral contract + parol contract A contract not in writing, or partially in writing. At common law, a contract, though it may be in writing, not under seal. See parol… …   Black's law dictionary

  • parol contract — noun 1. : a contract made orally or by a writing not under seal : contract not embodied in a judgment of record called also simple contract 2. : a contract partly or entirely oral and therefore unenforceable under the statute of frauds : contract …   Useful english dictionary

  • parol contract — In the usual and more simple sense of the term, a contract not in writing; an oral contract. In a technical sense, a simple contract, that is, a contract which, although it may be in writing, is not under seal, is not a specialty. Perrine v… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • parol contract of insurance — A contract which is complete in its terms and complies with all the requirements imposed by law in the making of a contract of insurance, except that it is not in writing as may be required by charter provision or statute. 29 Am J Rev ed Ins §… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Parol — Pa*rol , a. Given or done by word of mouth; oral; also, given by a writing not under seal; as, parol evidence. [1913 Webster] {Parol arrest} (Law), an arrest in pursuance of a verbal order from a magistrate. {Parol contract} (Law), any contract… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Parol arrest — Parol Pa*rol , a. Given or done by word of mouth; oral; also, given by a writing not under seal; as, parol evidence. [1913 Webster] {Parol arrest} (Law), an arrest in pursuance of a verbal order from a magistrate. {Parol contract} (Law), any… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • parol — par·ol 1 / par əl/ n [Anglo French, speech, talk, from Old French parole]: an oral declaration or statement where the evidence of the gift rests in parol Matter of Cohn, 176 N.Y.S. 225 (1919) (dissent) parol 2 adj 1: executed or made by word of… …   Law dictionary

  • contract by parol — See parol contract …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • contract — Noun: A term which is simple in its superficial aspect but actually difficult of succinct definition, since nothing less than the whole body of applicable precedent will suffice for the purpose of definition. Williston, Contracts 3rd ed § 1;… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • parol agreement — See parol contract …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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